Sunday, December 6, 2009


David Koma has dresses this spring / summer 2010 that I can not stop looking at! They are so art deco, chic and ammmmmmazing! The lines and silhouettes are normally fairly simple, with an emphasis added to a particular region on each of his pieces. He then steps the funk up with wonderful embellishments! There's something a little bit 60's about them as well. Here's a few to enjoy........ What do you guys think?

Check out the awesome jewelry they wore in the show! Stained glass pieces!

Here's Beyonce in one of his designs too!


  1. I've never heard of him before. His clothes are very innovative and interesting, haven't seen anything like it around. Not my style, per se, but I do enjoy seeing his things.

  2. i really like the geometric shapes he uses in his designs. really creative! i've never heard of him, i am going to check out some more of his runway shows on! awesome!
